“It Was Not Joyful”

An ill-prepared wanderer,

the rains came for me.

Violent, voracious, vexing vendetta.

Sheets of water fell heavy.

Visual acuity registered poor and begot bad decisions.

Puddles exploded in measured bursts,

as my cobbled soles ranged uneven ground.

Outerwear did little to divert the assault.

Eventually, socks and underwear captured the glory of the flood.

It seemed as if Noah was imminent.

He never showed.

Just soiled and saturated beasts,

two by two, three by three,

a bathtub lottery.

Dampened regression.


Dam burst. Capacity exceeded.

Waterlogged loafers,

squeaked through the depot.

Hurried and hydrated forever.

Plumes of water overtook curb-stranded souls,

that waited for the WALK signal.

A moist menagerie,

stupefied by ambitious clouds.

It was not joyful.

A very special thanks to LR for simply saying : It Was Not Joyful

40/40: Summer Poem Slam-a-bam is a ongoing project in which people have joined me for 40 days and 40 nights of on-demand poetry. They have submitted the concepts, ideas, and subjects; I’ve done the rest.

One response to “40/40: Summer Poem Slam-a-bam! – Day 4 – “It Was Not Joyful””

  1. Sustantivos Avatar

    I have no idea if this was meant to be, but I read this and think of times when you hold back emotions and than they just overcome you. Tears. Loads of tears. A flood.

    Love it yo

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